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Benefits of choosing Kingston Gate

Below are some of the benefits you can avail across multiple locations in India with Kingston Gate.

✓ More than 75% savings on broker commissions*
✓ Rent or sell your property for free
✓ Cashback on new property sold
✓ Option to choose zero commissions with brokers*

* Click here to find out more and also potential savings on commissions.

How much can you save with Kingstongate when you buy a property*?

House Price: ₹50,00,000
Normal broker's commission: ₹1,25,000
Kingston Gate's commission: ₹1,25,000
Commission Saved: ₹1,25,000

Note: Savings offered may vary from city to city.

Properties by locations

Explore our extensive listings of residential and commercial properties in India's top cities—Mumbai, Chennai, Hyderbad, Pune, Noida, Delhi and Bangalore

Save on brokerage with Kingston Gate: Sell & find your ideal real estate in India

Sell your property at higher price with Kingston Gate Property Seller partners. Our expert team ensures effective selling by leveraging market dynamics, appealing to ideal buyers easily, and eliminating brokerage fees. Explore detailed real estate options with Kingston Gate Real Estate Properties. Whether renting or buying, our updated listings cater to your commercial and personal needs, without any brokerage hassles. 

Discover your next home or business location with Kingston Gate. Contact us now for dedicated assistance in finding your ideal property and enjoy the convenience of reducing or eliminating brokerage fees in India.

To find out how much you can save on comissions, follow the link : 


Best Cities to Live in India: A Comprehensive Guide

Explore the best cities to live in India with a comprehensive guide on pros and cons. Understand living index factors like job opportunities, quality of life, cost of living, and infrastructure in top Indian cities like Bangalore, Mumbai, Pune, and more.